Price comparison for used items
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You know Bookbyte? You want to buy used stuff from Bookbyte?
Our price comparison shows you what to best buy from Bookbyte, and what you better buy from other vendors.That's how buying used things online really pays off.
Can I compare prices from Bookbyte on Bonavendi? | Yes, the prices from Bookbyte appear directly in the search results. |
Terms and conditions: | Free shipping on orders over $49. 14-day return guarantee. *Use code B2S5 for 5% off reantals or purchases at Bookbyte! Offer ends 9/9/16 |
Bookbyte vouchers and promotions: |
At the moment, there are no Bookbyte vouchers or running promotions. As soon Bookbyte will come up with a new promotion, you will see it here first! |
No positive ratings have been submitted so far |
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Bookbyte is dedicated to students that want to save money by buying used things. Bookbyte knows the increasing costs of higher education and provides multiple ways to buy used books and rent used textbooks. Students can also sell their used books there and Bookbyte offers the highest buyback prices for students.
Founded in 1999, Bookbyte is one of the longest running used textbook businesses online. They are now the largest used textbook retailer on the west coast. Oregon Business magazine ranked Bookbyte 79th on the Private 150 Oregon companies list for 2014. The headquarters is located in Salem, Oregon. Their support of a number of charities is a large part of who they are, particularly, the ongoing work with the Rotary Books for the World.
Bookbyte is currently the only college book retailer on the web to offer a 10% cash rebate on the return of all textbook rentals. They offer free shipping on orders over $49 and have a 14 day return guarantee. So if you are a student and are looking to buy used books or second hand college textbooks you should definitely try out Bookbyte.
Buying used stuff online saves a lot of money. You get refurbished items in very good condition, e.g., books, CDs, movies, or videogames - but you pay normally only 30%-80% of the regular price.
Besides of Bookbyte there are many other vendors that sell used stuff online. With Bonavendi, you can compare quickly and easily the prices of all these vendors. This way, you can have enormous savings, because the prices differ significantly between the vendors.
We only list commercial vendors who sell used items on a large scale. Our users experience very little problems with the vendors so far. We recommend to consider the vendor ratings and user comments for Bookbyte on Bonavendi before buying.
All terms for buying from Bookbyte are stated at the bottom of this page.